At SendaRide, we assure you that the safety and well-being of our customers, employees, and care partners (drivers) remain our highest priority. Below are our current COVID-19 Protocols for our riders and Care Partners (drivers).
SendaRide provides our Care Partners with hand sanitizer and masks, as well as a video on how to make their own mask.
- All riders are asked to wear a mask during the ride
- All riders are asked to sit in the backseat.
- We are not transporting any riders that exhibit symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19.
Care Partners are asked to do the following to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Follow the CDC recommendations concerning the use of cloth face coverings, which are provided by SendaRide.
- Disinfect their vehicle thoroughly daily, and high touch areas between each ride
- Crack windows in the vehicle (weather permitting) and avoid using recirculated air to increase ventilation
- Ask passengers to sit in the backseat, to promote social distancing
- Avoid unnecessary physical contact with the rider
- Monitor their temperature daily and report any fever to SendaRide support
- If they are sick, they are asked to stay home and notify SendaRide support
- Should a rider or Care Partner be diagnosed, we can track every rider that has been exposed and report a possible exposure to each client that booked the ride for that rider.
- If a Care Partner is exposed to someone that is COVID positive, we ask that self-quarantine for two weeks or produce two negative tests prior to being able to provide rides again.
We will continue to provide the same exceptional service we always have and want to assure you we are doing everything in our power to keep our Riders and Care Partners safe.
That’s the SendaRide Standard.
Thank you for your trust and confidence in SendaRide.